LILACH MOR, born and raised in Israel, has been dancing since childhood: Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Tap, Flamenco, Circus, Air Dancing, Salsa, and... Tango her biggest passion. She danced and Preformed on musicals such as Cats in Broadway NY, in Buenos Aires has performed in "café Tortoni" studied tango with the very best of Buenos Aires teachers such us Gustavo Naveira and Alejandra Martinan and has been dancing with Aoniquen Quiroga and Cristian Duarte. Has been teaching classes in the studio of "Carlos Copello" and instructing Pilates classes for the past 5 years a technique of such awareness that has enriched Tango dance.
CRISTIAN DUARTE, born and raised in Argentina was Argentinean Champion 1992 in Marshal Arts, studied Engineering and Design, since 1998 has been dancing Tango and cooperating his knowledge in other arts in his very unique dance technique, Taught in DNI studio Dana Frigoli and Pablo Villarraza in Buenos Aires for 4 years, Toured with the DNI Tango dance company throw out Europe as a Dancer and Teacher in Tango festivals such as Tarbes Tango festival, Stockholm, Mantova Italy and San Petersburg Russia.
After a very successful tour in Europe together in the summer of 2010 in countries such as Czech Republic- Prague "Tango Alchemy Festival", Denmark – Copenhagen, Russia – "Samara's Tango Festival", England – London and Israel - Tel Aviv and Jerusalem They have been kindly invited by Budapest "Holgyvalasz" dance school to teach their unique tango technique.
For the past 2 years they have been teaching during the week in the dance school in Budapest and in most weekend travel in Europe’s Tango festival’s and workshops they visited cities such as: Moscow Planetango Festival, Istanbul tango encuentro, Krakow Poland workshops and many more…
Together they have incorporated their love for Tango and for each other and found a very unique and interesting technique of communication in the couple which is incorporating their knowledge of so many different arts.